Once the line between genius and madness has been crossed, you can never go back, and for one little girl, that line keeps moving. Please join Alice’s trip down the rabbit hole as the Avatar Repertory Theater proudly presents "Alice in WonderSLand", in an all-original production with our madly talented international cast and team. Lead designer JubJub Forder says "this is not the cutesy Alice you usually find in movies. This is a little girl's dark fears of growing up."
Alice in WonderSLand Performances---------

Saturday May 8, 4PM PST
Sunday May 9, 2PM PST
Friday May 14, 11PM PST
Saturday May 15, 10AM PST
Sunday May 16, 4PM PST(Subtitled performance for hearing impaired)
Tickets are L$500, available for purchase on XStreet from April 20. Your ticket will contain extra information regarding venue, etc.
Jag vet inte om just den här föreställningen är värd att betala för. Men jag vet att den bästa teaterföreställning jag någonsin sett iSecond Life var med den här gruppen. Jag skrev om den HÄR. Så här skriver de själva om sin nya produktion.
The audience will be immersed into WonderSLand, where they will see magical places bloom around them, with a panoramic view of the scenes built by JubJub Forder and his talented crew.
Visit the White Rabbit's house, enjoy a Tea Party with the Mad Hatter, Dormouse and March Hare, attend a Croquet game hosted by the Queen of Hearts, and witness the trial of the Knave of Hearts in a courtroom where rules are meant to be broken.
Theater presented in a virtual world such as this gives the designers, costumers, builders and actors the opportunity to present entertainment that would be impossible in real life. Our imagination drives those dreams, and we invite you to come play with us in WonderSLand. Avatar designer Ada Radius promises your experience to be "surreal comedy on the edge of a nightmare", and costume designer Rowan Shamroy is creating a dark look to echo the original Tenniel illustrations, based on the clothing of late Victorian England.
The production, directed by MadameThespian Underhill, features Mickie Nikolaidis and Elegia Underwood alternating the role of Alice, with (in order of appearance) Persephone Phoenix, Sodovan Torok, Joff Fassnacht, Em Jannings, AvaJean Westland, Rowan Shamroy, Kayden Oconnell, Thundergas Menges, Dolgoruky Umarov, Ada Radius, Lailu Loon, Corwyn Allen and JudyArx Scribe. The production team, led by AvaJean Westland, includes JubJub Forder, Ada Radius, Rowan Shamroy, Thundergas Menges, Sodovan Torok, Prospero Frobozz, Elegia Underhill, CodeWarrior Carling, Amon Dragonash, Kayden Oconnell, and Mickie Nikolaidis.
For more information on the production, visit our INFOHUB for the latest updates at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Cookie/193/193/21 or contact AvaJean Westland.
To be added to our mailing list, please contact Kayden Oconnell or Ada Radius.
You can also learn more about Avatar Repertory Theater by visiting our website at http://www.avreptheater.com/ or our blog atavatarrepertorytheater.blogspot.com.
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