Hello Avatar,
This note to this note to let you know a great opportunity that cbm Italia Onlus has granted us to test the power of Second Life as a means of communication Viral.
We start by presentations:
Who is cbm Italia Onlus?
Every five seconds a person in the world becomes blind every minute this tragic fate touches to a child. Moreover, 90% of blind people found in developing countries, and has even less chance of access to health care. Yet 80% of the forms of blindness could be prevented or cured.
This is the daily commitment of cbm Italia Onlus, the Association of reference for the prevention of blindness and visual disorders in the developing countries. cbm Canada is part of the network cbm International, the largest NGO in the world to combat blindness and disability, the care that residents in developing countries practicing medical doctor-eye - evidence of local staff, adapting health care facilities, makes work of prevention by administering medicines and informing the population, guarantees the right to education and training for the disabled.
The main eye diseases treated by cbm
Cataract www.cbmit.org / cataratta.asp
Glaucoma www.cbmit.org / glaucoma.asp
Infantile blindness www.cbmit.org / tracoma.asp
Trachoma www.cbmit.org / tracoma.asp
River blindness www.cbmit.org / oncocercosi.asp
Low vision www.cbmit.org / ipovisione.asp
2) The disability www.cbmit.org / disabilita.asp
What is the WDT for cbm Italia Onlus
WDT and all those who participated in the project video x cbm Italy, are a group of avatars that seeks to raise awareness in SL initiatives this onlus, supported with collecting donations, giving information and supporting projects proposed.
In Sl follow the steps of cbm Canada giving information.
He created the t-shirt "Love is Possible" by Fiorucci www.cbmitalia.org/news_immagine_download2.asp? Newsid = 97
(Maizon Rayna - Terra D'Shadow).
He created the video testimonial 100 years x100 x 100 projects www.cbmitalia.org/100anni/home.asp
(scroll down to the last testimonial)
(Adelchi Rossini, Dep1050 Plasma, Yash Criss, Clorinda Boucher, Sarissa Oh, Jaret McMahon, Jacaranda Flanagan, Gigi Roffi, Terence Back, Bhastet Dharnen, Kristine lovey, Lenoire decu, Veronika Broome, in a nipotina Dep)
Support the "One Pixel To Sight" www.cbmitalia.org / pixel.asp (Paola Mills, Alice Mastroianni)
What can we do together?
Understand what SL might be an additional means of information and communication Viral.
- Supporting WDT and Alice Mastroianni in the race between testimonial for 100 years of [b] cbm Italy
(from 6 October to 31 December 2008)
Invite your group, your friends, your contacts, your families to view this page
Fouls scroll down to the last testimonial (WDT and Alice Mastroianni)
Let them vote on the project argue that FUNCRISIA: a clinic with a general assistance program for low short-ophthalmology at Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Invite them to make a donation. [/ B] (only for those who lives in italy)
- By sending an SMS value of 1 € (Tim, OmniTI, Wind and 3), or 2 € (Telecom Italia) at 48,582 from 6 to 26 October on the occasion of World Sight Day (October 9).
www.cbmitalia.org / campagna_banner / sms_landing. html
- Going to the charity evening organized by Zelig per cbm Italy on 9 October in Milan on the occasion of World Sight Day.
Admission Free Entry to availability.
www.cbmitalia.org/news_immagine_download2.asp? newsid = 101
Also anyone wishing to join the campaign to support domestic SL:
1) You can buy a t-shirt "Love is Possible" in sections donation (which will always be updated as they grow).
At the moment
WDT Planet slurl.com / secondlife / WDT% 20Planet/94/102/59
ITALY ISLAND RESORT slurl.com / secondlife / ITALY 20ISLAND%% 20RESORT / 92/106/26
ITALY ISLAND RESORT slurl.com / secondlife / ITALY 20ISLAND%% 20RESORT / 126/199/26
Salimar slurl.com / secondlife / WDT% 20Planet/146/132/57
BDSM Italy slurl.com / secondlife / BDSM% 20Italia/84/112/22
2) You can request to include in its land / shop / house etc the Box with T-shirt in Braille "Love is Possible" by Fiorucci. The T-shirts are on sale at $ 400 L (1 €) and the whole story is derived from CBM Italia Onlus.
Send a notecard to CBMItalia Bookmite, abilitalo a Rezzato in your Land and the LM precise Send them to where you want the content security (1 box for the sale of t-shirt and a cartel information), in notecard specific group to which you enabled, the name of the land and the name dell'Owner + your logo and possibly your mail to be thanked by cbm Italy).
3) You can request to organize events, concerts, events, fashion shows for cbm Italia Onlus.
Send a notecad Alice Mastroianni, where specify what would you do, some possible dates (from October 6 to 31 December) landmark and a contact email.
4) It can sell its products (land / clothing / objects .. etc) giving a% to CBM Italia Onlus.
Send a Notecard to CBMItalia Bookmite in which to inform that you are giving ...% of your sales. By Nick Your Name, the LM where you do and your logo, possibly your mail.
And enter this code in UUID% of division revenue of your product.
myID: CBMItalia Bookmite UUID: 7c30ff0b-bf68-49e0-86a4-c8f7c3d6cdbc
Each proposal, ideas or suggestions are welcome, as any kind of collaboration.
Alice Mastroianni
Art Director WDT
Marketing and Communications Manager x cbm Itali
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