19-4-11 The Tuesday of Incoerenza Jazz Club with CECi Dover , a photo by Alice Mastroianni on Flickr.
19th April 2011
2 pm
WDT : http://slurl.com/secondlife/WDT%20Planet/61/33/209
Il suo nome è Ceci Dover, nata e cresciuta in Argentina. Suo padre è africano e sua madre è italiana.
CECi canta da quando era una bambina. Lei ama la musica. La musica è la sua vita, è tutto quello che ha e tutto ciò che è.
Ha imparato le tecniche di canto nell' Accademia Manuel de Falla - Buenos Aires Argentina.
Ha lavorato con alcuni artisti molto importanti a Buenos Aires, cantando con loro e ora canta nella RL in una band facendo concerti in giro per la Spagna.
E' nuovo di questo nuovo mondo virtuale, ma ora è pronta a condividere il suo spettacolo con noi!
Her name is Ceci Dover, she was born and raised in Argentina . Her father is African Black and her Mother is Italian. She love her roots and she is very proud of them.
she 's been singing since she was a little girl . She love music. Music is her life, it's all that she has and all that she are.
She was learning technics for singing in the Academic Manuel de Falla - Buenos Aires Argentina during 12 years.
She's been working with some very important artists in Buenos Aires singing with them and now she singing in her RL in a band giving concerts around Spain.
She is new to this new virtual world, but she is ready to share her show to us!!!
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