sabato 11 giugno 2011

14-6-11 The Tuesday of Incoerenza with Raven Kondor

raven kondor by Alice Mastroianni
raven kondor, a photo by Alice Mastroianni on Flickr.

7th Jun 2011
2 pm
Incoerenza jazz Club

Raven vive nella meravigliosa California del Sud :negli ultimi anni nei suoi concerti RL ha eseguito molti classici "golden oldies" e si è specializzato nell'eseguire materiale di Neil Diamond.

Anche in Second Life ama riproporre , reinterpretandole, delle covers di Neil Diamond in particolare quelle tratte dall'album "Hot August Night" che fu registrato live al Greek Theater di Los Angeles e che contiene i suoi pezzi più famosi.

Nei suoi concerti live non si risparmia e da tutto se stesso al suo publico in un pirotecnico crescendo di sano ed energetico rock!


For the past few years, Raven has been performing many classic "golden oldies" in RL and specialize in the material of Neil Diamond. He lives in beautiful Southern California, USA.

Many of his Second Live shows feature songs from Neil Diamond's high energy album "Hot August Night". This album, which was recorded live at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles, California, contains some of his greatest hits and is hailed as Neil's most celebrated concert.

The songs Raven sings range from beautiful to humorous to screaming rockers. He LOVES to SING and he has loads of FUN doing it. Raven holds nothing back and gives 100% to his audiences. If this genre of music suits your tastes or if you just want to have a great time and loads of fun, come to one of Raven's shows and see what FUN is all about...Neil Diamond style. Who might even hear a tune from the 'King' occasionally...

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