Wonderful Dream Team
è lieta di invitarvi
all'inaugurazione della prima personale ed inedita di
Divine Tokyoska
Fall Into
Gioved' 18 Giugno alle ore 23.00
WDT Art Gallery http://slurl.com/secondlife/WDT%20Planet/241/87/22
è lieta di invitarvi
all'inaugurazione della prima personale ed inedita di
Divine Tokyoska
Fall Into
Gioved' 18 Giugno alle ore 23.00
WDT Art Gallery http://slurl.com/secondlife/WDT%20Planet/241/87/22
Divine è un personaggio fuori dal comune diretta e senza peli sulla lingua,
nelle sue fotografie esprime ciò che lei vede a modo suo.
Alcune immagini sono molto forti e altrettanto suggestive.
Per noi ha creato una collezione inedita .
La sua prima esposizione personale in SL.
Dice di lei .....
il resto qui http://www.flickr.com/people/7268230@N03/
(evito la traduzione per non finire in discussioni calde)
Vi aspettiamo Giovedì a WDT Planet.... (si consiglia di non portare bambini, alcune foto sono dirette esclusivamente a un pubblico adulto)
Kei Kojishi
Abbigale Heron
Wonderful Dream Team
Wonderfull Dream Team
is pleased to invite you
on Jun 18th 2009 at 2.00 pm sl time 11:00 pm (CEST/Central European)
at WDT Art Gallery
to the exhibition "Fall Into"
by Divine
A few notable facts about Divine:)
I HATE elitist, pretentious asshole artists....I mean really...so what if you are good...we ALL know you are good...get over it...ANY ONE can learn photoshop...don't be an inflated ass about it...OH and I hate people who are dicks simply because they can be. Ya know the types...all brooding, fuck the world, very little interests me but whatever those interests are. they are by far more important than yours and I'm only going to socialize with people who look and act JUST like me, even tho we feign originality.....yeah...those types...
I'm a failed musician...lol...did it for years...played all the local bars...got a few big gigs but just upped and decided I was getting way too old and it's time to move on...Being an older established rocker is cool...being an older unestablished rocker living on door profits and drink sales..not so much...
How did I learn photoshop? I get asked a lot and it's pretty simple...TUTORIALS....hours and hours spent in the program and playing with it...time...it all takes tiiiiimmmmmeeeee...and I'm STILL learning!! Don't give up because it seems a bit too hard...Only thing to it is to do it^^ True..I have a bit of RL art training under my belt...lots of oils and acrylics and the like..if you have a basic concept of composition, shading and light, you are halfway there!
I'm a smoker...I smoke a lot....and I can't stand it when non smokers feel the need to inform me it's bad for my health..been smokin for over 19 years...I KNOW!!! and it's pretty obvious I just don't care...
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